Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Study War No More

The long awaited and much hoped for Iraq Study Group Report is out: making its way through the halls of think tanks, political pundits, talk show personalities, experts on all sides of the political and religious divide, and into the hands of ordinary war-weary citizens around the country and for that matter, people around the world.

The report stated: “Because of the gravity of Iraq’s condition and the country’s vital importance, the United States is facing one of its most difficult and significant international challenges in decades. Because events in Iraq have been set in motion by American decisions and actions, the United States has both a national and a moral interest in doing what it can to give Iraqis an opportunity to avert anarchy.”

It has been hard for me to forget this administration’s polices have been the fundamental reason for the destabilization of the region. It is hard for me to forget that we went into this war without getting assistance or support from the regional players and now we are asking for their partnership in finding solutions to matters of security, governance, and terrorism. It is hard for me to forget that Mr. Bush mislead the American public about the reasons for war with Iraq.

In the ancient days of old, the ruling Kings and Queens would call in their religious and spiritual advisors to guide their leadership and war decisions. Apparently, Mr. Bush does not need any guidance, spiritual or otherwise. It has even been suggested at times that he is in direct consultation with God and believes that God is directing his actions in Iraq. Well, if this is true, than God is doing a lousy job of fighting evil, riding our world of terrorists, and ultimately, bringing freedom to Iraq.

Which then begs the question, “Is God on our side in this war?” I would argue that God is always on the side of justice, righteousness, and peace. The US has lost its way in Iraq and with its Middle East policies. It is unclear how the country will find its way back home: home to civility, to truth speaking, and to peace making. To do so, requires open discussions, candid and frank assessments of all sides of the issue, and an admission that maybe, the US made a mistake in Iraq.

Interestingly to note, I wonder what advice our religious and spiritual leaders would offer Mr. Bush? I think we would be hard press to find a spiritual giant in our land that would not demonize the enemy or re-affirm Mr. Bush’s war against terror, or call for the assassination of an opposition leader.


At 11:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even if God did speak to him-my bet-- is that he didn't listen. I am horrified by the US's actions. Can we impeach him for misleading our country?

At 12:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bull shit! everyone needs to listen to somebody at sometime in their lives. Bush must go!!!!!

At 12:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bull shit! everyone needs to listen to somebody at sometime in their lives. Bush must go!!!!!

At 8:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would be afraid to call in any of the Religious leaders in the US. Too many of them are in the hip pocket of Mr. Bush. Thanks to faith-based initiatives.

At 12:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a few things I would like to say to Bush.... but if he doesn't listen to his father, what makes anyone think he going to hear anything from anyone...no matter how well intention.


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