Gerald Ford-A Really Tall Man
As the nation mourns the loss and death of Gerald Ford, a truly great American, we provide ourselves with a wonderful opportunity to re-shape and re-design our current course of Presidential and Congressional interactions. For that matter, our personal, family and community exchanges.
President Ford’s death is a stark reminder of what it takes to be a citizen of the world and not just a citizen of the United States. He portrayed the kinder more gentle style of leadership that is able to bend and bow without breaking himself or the interest of the nation.
As I reflect on his death, I am reminded that all life and death are timed so perfectly. We are never really ready for death and some may wish it never comes. Even in President Ford’s death he teaches a generation of politicians, pundits, neoconservatives, liberals, and independents that integrity in actions, decency in interpersonal and professional relationships and putting the interests of the nation before one’s own self-interests are all relevant and necessary character traits for governance in the 21st century.
Thank you President Ford for all you did in life and for all you will do in death. You make me proud to be American again.
When will we will get the lessons that President Ford so admirably demonstrated can be achieved? Is it possible to lay down our weapons of partisan politics, our culture of corruption, and imperialist tendencies? Can we birth a new generation of “Fordian” leaders?
At least Presdident Ford left a legacy to be proud of... I'm sure Bush Jr. will not be able to do the same. He leaves a divided, bitter, and deceptive legacy.
He was indeeed a great man. A very underrated President.He deserves more credit for restoring faith in our political process.
we long for the good old days.. or simply impeach Bush and we might look forward to some good new days.
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